3D Print Request

Are you interested in 3D printing a molecule? If you search the RCSB protein database the protein you’re interested in by name, send fill out the form below with the PDB ID so that we can most efficiently process your 3D print request.

Should you have questions about or issues with the form submission, please email us and we’ll get in touch with your directly. Email: ‘contact’ at ‘biologicmodels’ dot ‘com’

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Find a PDB Code

To find a protein dataset PDB Code, please visit the RSCB protein database to find the protein you are interested in printing: RCSB

Visualization Types

Proteins can be 3D printed and visualized by their Volumetric Surface, Ribbon, or Ball-and-Stick Models. Hybrid designs combine Ribbon Models with and Ball-and-Stick interior structures. Explore some examples of available Visualization Types: EXPLORE

Full-Color 3D Printing Materials

To learn more about our available materials before submitting a 3D print request, please visit: LEARN MORE

Speed of Delivery

Most custom 3D print projects take between 2-3 weeks to complete. Orders can be rushed in some materials in as little as 2-5 days but may require order minimums. 

3D Print Request Help

Send us an email if you have any questions