Biologic Models
Transform protein data into 3D Printed Biologic Models .
Transform x-ray crystallography protein data into 3D Printed Biologic Models
Biologic Models
Mechanism of Action 3D Medical Animations.
3D Animated 'Mechanism of Action' Medical Animations.
Welcome to Biologic Models
Biologic Models translates clinical research and x-ray crystallography protein data into 3D printed molecular models, 'Mechanism of Action' 3D animations, and Interactive protein experiences
3D Print Protein Data
Work with a visualization scientist to translate protein data into custom 3D printed protein models.
Medical Animation
Mechanism of Action 3D Medical Animations communicate complex information about protein interactions using narrative storytelling
Interactive Games
Create coroporate engagment tools by transforming protein data into board game pieces.
Is one of your colleagues retiring? Have they accomplished something of significance and your team wants to celebrate their achievments? 3D-printed protein models can be mounted onto custom acrylic bases engraved with congratulatory messages. These mounted display pieces make for wonderful commemmorative gifts that celebrate your colleagues contribution to science and medicine.
Did you recently crystalize a protein and now would like a desktop model of it? We specialize at working with research scientists to bring protein data to life in ways that help research scientists explain their novel discoveries.
Are you pitching a new biotech innovation, or presenting research to your colleauges? Leave a memorable impression on your audience by using a 3D printed protein model to explain the molecular nuances of your innovation.
Combining 3D printed Biologic Models with narrative 3D Medical Animation is the perfect way to engage industry colleagues at conferences with one-on-one exchanges that communicate complex information in memorable ways.
When new innovations come to markert, Sales Rep need training tools to help them first understand their company's newest inventions. Second, they need innovative communication tools to explain product messaging to doctors and healthcare providers.
Create unique and transformative experiences for your customers combining cinematic 3D animation with custom 3D printed protein models.
Biotechnology Science Communication
"During our startup, we enlisted the services of Biologic Models to create 3D-printed models of what we had developed and animations to bring our research to life. We worked with Casey Steffen to ensure funding knowing he could realize our company's vision. We now use the same visualization concepts in our discovery and preclinical processes, as well as for science communication to highlight key concepts." ~Theodor Pramer

Narrative scientific animations that explain the nature of health and disease through the interactions of proteins
Articulating 3D Printed Protein Models
Articulating 3D printed protein models allows you to demonstrate your protein's 'Mechanism of Action' or explain how complex multi-chain protein assemble. Perfect science communication tools for conference events, presentations, and corporate meetings. When you submit your 3D print request, check the mark in the box for "Articulating" and one of our visualization scientists will work with you to design an assembling 3D printed protein model.

At the start of the 2019 COVID Pandemic, Biologic Models assisted a team of international research scientists to gain an understanding of the mechanistic function of the various viral structural proteins. Below is a collection of different 3D printed protein models created from those discussions and observations.
SARS-CoV-2 Virion
The structural proteins of the SARS-CoV-2 Virion are key targets for vaccines, therapeutic antibodies, and diagnostics. Biologic Model designed the 3D printed SARS-CoV-2 Virion Model to help scientists better visualize the structural assembly of viral proteins.
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SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein
The SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein is a key target for vaccines, therapeutic antibodies, and diagnostics. Biologic Models designed this 3D printed protein model of the SARS-CoV-2 Spike Glycoprotein 6VXX to help scientists better visualize these targets.
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SARS-CoV-2 3D Print Collection
A collection of 3D Printed protein models of the SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus created by Biologic Models